What the Doctor
Not the crochet dress, the purse or even the gloves, but the hat. I went to the dermatologist yesterday to have a light brown patch on my face checked out. He gave me a couple of samples of 4 percent hydroquinone bleaching ointment called Lustra (suppose to make me Lustrous, you think?) Anyway, application of this solution makes your skin ultra-sensitive to the sun. So that means I need to wear hats when I'm outside. We're talking the big-brimmed Scarlett O'Hara variety. But honestly I'm afraid that's not going to be enough to keep the sunbeams at bay. I don't hop into a car and drive away. I spend a lot, and I mean a ton, of time walking to wherever I need to go. I'm a Public Transportation Girl. You need to go somewhere in Chicago on the El, Metra, or bus, I can tell you how to get there. Anyhow, I also don't believe wearing a sunscreen with an SPF of 45 (which the doc also recommended) and the biggest baddest chapeau will be enough for the sun to stop peeking at my little 'ole patch. What do you think?

Bigger brims, then add veiling! Stitch a button on the top of the crown, buy some great vintage veiling, and join ends to make a tube shape, gather one side, and slip the gathered edge over the button. Ta Da! Extra protection, and a glam look to boot. And the veiling can be removed for indoor events.
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