Turbans Galore
The model in the lower left quadrant of this pattern looks like she could have modeled for my 1972 version of Stitch in Time (the topic for yesterday's blog. By the way, Stitch in Time sold for $32.34 on eBay, just a few dollars than what I paid for it. Whoever won it will enjoy it immensely!) I don't know what clevery things I can say about hats today. Although I have to say a hat can help you catch a bus! I was wearing my floppy shaggy suede chartreuse hat this morning. I was barely out the door just past the crack of the we-have-an-extra-hour dawn when a bus driver stopped his vehicle a half-block away and opened the door for me! Unfortunately, I didn't need a ride, so I waved him on! But I swear the hat did all the work, as usual. I usually bring something to make during my commute. I'm not making a hat at the moment (I know, shame on me. I'm actually working on a knit skirt) but I am forever thinking of chapeaux. There was a story in today's Chicago Tribune promoting The Way You Wear Your Hat (hosted by Chapeau: The Milliner's Guild) on Fri., Nov. 3 at the Chicago Athletic Club, 12 S. Michigan Ave. from 6-8 p.m. Even you don't feel particularly athletic and don't wear a hat, this soiree sounds delightful. Milliners Laurie Kennard, Amy Stirk, Joy Scott and Marjorie Marshall will be selling their hats that night. What a better way to start November (ok, it's the third day of the month, but still. It's a fantastic way to get out of the house and stopping eating the Halloween candy already.) What do you think (if you live in Chicago)?.
The site Sewing Style sometimes lists really unique patterns for online purchase.
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