I recently asked y'all how often you crochet. I was hoping to a few crankster voters who told me how much they HATE crochet, they wish all the crochet hooks in the world would just simply disappear.
But that wasn't the case at all. But what do you expect when you post a survey on Craftster, Crochetville and other hobby-related blogs? Of course, they're going to tell me how much they adore this pastime. Interestingly enough, not one of the 57 respondents in my survey dissed knitting. Not one. Of course, too often crochet 'tis necessary for knitting, and vice versa. When asked how often do you crochet? Most of you (68.4 percent) checked off "Other" answer on my poll to tell me exactly how often you use the limited time you have on this planet known as Earth to create fabric with a hook and some yarn! Some of the answers I loved: "Every free minute I have :)" (That sounds like me), "I crochet almost every day usually when I set down to watch TV" and "I always have at least 2 projects in the works" (again, that's me, thinking about my next project). A lot of you wrote "Everyday!!" Yes, with exclamation points. I'm almost at that mark myself, since I carry around a bulging bag with my skirt-in-progress onto to buses and trains. Am I becoming an addict? Yikes! Anyhow, see the image in the upper left corner? That's a new book. I think it's one of the better books on crochet on the market for fall. And there are lots of hats in it. Extremely hip! I'm definitely going to get this book. For those of you who have it already, please let me know what you think.
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