Not Gwyneth

I lived many years that way in the storefront window, until one day the lights were turned off for days on end. I didn't know what was going on. I was frightened. Suddenly, someone came in - it wasn't Heidi or any of her assistants - packed me off in a box. I didn't like that at all. I was smothered in tissue paper for eons. I hated it! From then on I was occasionally unwrapped. I'd hear, "How old-fashioned. I didn't know mother had this" or "Maybe we can use this for shooting practice." I heard a big Squwack! after that and I was hastily mummified again. Thank God! Someone resurrected me again years later and I lived perched on top of a bookshelf in a bedroom with a huge picture hat surrounded by thousands of color photographs of this short-haired strawberry blonde with huge blue eyes and the saddest expression ever. Even when she smiled she looked melancholy. I think was famous, but I don't believe she was German. She wasn't stoic enough for that. I gather she was British. Really beautiful, but so tragic looking. She looked so regal in the huge hats that I saw her wear. Those pictures stayed on the wall for a long time, fading until one day they were ripped off the wall. I heard the Lady on the Wall had died. How horrible. A far greater tragedy for me than her because I had nothing to gaze at during my long days on the shelf. It made me yearn for my career in Heidi's storefront window. I was going to recount how folk started telling me I resemble this woman Gwyneth Paltrow, but I think I'll save that for another day, if you don't mind. I want to savor and relive the memory alone a while longer.
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