Circa 1942
I love looking at the 1940s McCall (no 's - that would come later) sewing patterns simply because of the hats. They're just drawn so well, with such detail, and rich color. They look so real that I sometimes feel I could wet my finger, touch the picture, and poof! A hat would appear in my hands. Like magic! Even the Mr. Ash the Magician couldn't do as well. Take this pattern for example. I think the saucy sailor hat on the model who's copping an attitude (upper left corner) would be great on the Fourth of July. The demure brown one? Appropriate for Thankgiving or meeting the family for the 11th time (you don't want them to take you for granted - so wear a hat to show 'em you're not predictable). The floral number in the lower right? Wear that one to Hala Kahiki or anywhere you need someone to serve you a drink and shower you with compliments. I have to say I feel sorry for the brunette in the fuschia bolero jacket. I love her bold Hawaii-themed dress and her chunky necklace, but she's going to get lost without something smashing (I'm not talking a plate either - although I've had that happen to me) on her head. What do you think?
Circa 1942

I've always wondered how ladies decided whether to wear hats with particular outfits, or not. For example, what made Ms. Brown-hair decide to forgoe in this instance?
Do you wear hats often?
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