You Crocheted That?

In any event, I am in utter and complete awe of the sophisication and innocence of this hat. It's knitted with the same fiber that was used for socks and mittens, but it's intended to be worn to a fancy-schmancy bar or church. But who knows? Perhaps there were a pair of matching socks or at least gloves. It's something the practical knitter would make! Even alone, this is the kind of hat that couture milliners adore: it's completely handmade. Not a machine stitch in sight! I also manages to surprise the observer. From the back it appears completely off-white, like a well-loved living-room-couch pillow. Really a yawner. But if you get in front, there's that astonishing pie slice of rainbow hues under the flap. It's like, "We don't live in a black-and-world world after all!" Just the most optimistic thing you could make with a poly-blend yarn, don't you think? The hat designer, Louisa Hayes Hand Made, did a fantastic job. What do you think of this hat? Fugly or something you would wear on a dare?
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